Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Diary of a Clown/ Gorillas in the Office

Gorillas in the Office

One afternoon, I was sent to do a Black Gorilla Singing Telegram at an office in Midtown Manhattan. After changing into my Gorilla Suit, I started walking to the woman’s (my recipient’s) office, when who walks by me...but another Gorilla. A six foot tall man in a Gorilla suit that his! As he smugly started walking past me, I stopped him by asking him who he was there to see. He showed me his Telegram and lo and behold, the recipient turned out to be the same as mine as well as the scheduled performance time. As I asked him who he was and who he worked for, he totally ignored me and continued his way into the office. I stopped him in his tracks saying “Hey wait a minute...What makes you think you can go in first?” “I won’t be but a few minutes” he snootily replied. I blocked him again. The receptionist at this time was starting to get pretty perturbed by the sight of having two Gorillas standing in the waiting room having an argument. With her heavy NY accent she shouted out…”Hey! Yas 2 is gonna have to take this outside somewhere!” “I can’t have yas standing out here fighting when our clients come in!” With that said, I replied to my Gorilla rival “Look, I’ll make a deal with you; I’ll let you go in first if you take your head off for a second. I wanted to see not only who I was arguing with, but if he was someone I knew. When he took his head off, I nearly fell over when I saw how gorgeous he was! While he came out, he completely ignored my flirting and rolled his eyes walking right passed me.

I went in later and did my Singing Gorilla Gram for my recipient. She was a very attractive woman in her early thirties. When I finished singing, a Flower Messenger walked in and handed her a bouquet of roses. No….this one wasn’t dressed as a Gorilla!

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